A productive workplace can greatly benefit employees and can increase inspiration, creativity, and happiness. A cramped space can lead to poorer working conditions, lower work ethic, and can lower employee morale.
Our 4 design tips for a more productive office show how important it is to maximise office space to ensure workflow is efficient and workers are comfortable.
1. Are You Sitting Comfortably?
Ensuring each worker has an efficient working desk and chair is vital to productivity. An ill-fitted office chair can cause injury and strain, contributing to absences and a stressful work environment.By simply adjusting seats and monitors, the risk of injury is greatly reduced, boosting productivity and work ethic – in short, employees will be more likely to work better if they are comfortable!
2. Don’t Have a Cluttered Work-space?
The saying goes, “a cluttered desk, a cluttered mind” – and the same is true of office spaces. Filing cabinets, desks, and drawers are essential for keeping away all that clutter you don’t need lying around.
Having a place for everything also means there’s less chance of anything going missing, and keeps the office neat and tidy for any important meetings you might have.
3. Add Plants and Natural Lighting
Adding some greenery to your office space can really brighten up a dull room, and where possible, allow as much natural light into the space as you can – sunshine supplies our bodies with vitamin D, boosting our serotonin levels – the “happy hormone”.
4. Don’t Just Think Open Plan
Many business owners have open plan offices as they believe it contributes to a better work ethic and productivity. While this is partly true, it’s just as important to have segregated areas for meetings and a place where people can work in silence away from the usual hustle and bustle of an open space.
For more office interior design advice please contact us now.