Some days at work are hard enough, without having to try and concentrate whilst sitting in what feels like a sauna! Summer should make you smile, so here are some top tips to keep you happy, calm and cool at work.
Keep cool at work in the office
Wear loose, lightweight, pale-coloured clothes, preferably made from cotton or linen. These fabrics will allow your body to breath but also, any perspiration will be absorbed and then evaporate. When you go outside, light-coloured fabric will reflect the sunlight rather than absorbing it, which will also keep you cool.
If you’re lucky enough to have air conditioning, then you’re laughing, but first work out if it’s better to open the window a little to let in the breeze and fresh air. Opening the door is also another good way to help air circulate. If someone you share your workspace with has hay fever however, then this may not be an option.
Keep blinds closed and curtains drawn. This will prevent the sun’s rays from getting in to the room and will help to keep the temperature down.
A fan can sometimes just push air around, but if used correctly it can help. Try putting a bowl of ice or cold water in front of your desk fan to help cool the air. The direction of ceiling fans can make a big difference. They should run counter clockwise – a clockwise movement will create an updraft and force warm air down – find out which way yours spins and see if this can be changed.
Most electrical objects give off heat when they are working, so turn off anything not in use.
Cool furniture – honestly
Looking to invest in new office chairs? Why not check out our extensive selection of mesh office seating? As well as being super comfortable and supportive, having a mesh back allows the air to circulate, letting your back breath and reducing your body temperature. Now you don’t have to worry about getting sweaty at work!
Break time
Running your wrists under the cold water tap really does work a treat. There is a main vein that runs through this area so it helps cool the blood instantly. You could also try dabbing cool water or a paper towel on your forehead, elbows or any creases.
There are arguments as to what is best for you in the heat – a hot or cold drink, so just pick the one that works best for you. Keep hydrated with plenty of water but remember anything with caffeine or alcohol in (if you’re thinking of sipping a refreshing beverage after work) will dehydrate you… Chrysanthemum tea seems to be the best of both worlds – it’s a cooling herb but you’ll also be getting a warm, comforting brew at the same time!
Avoid big heavy meals – digestion uses a lot of energy and generates body heat so go for light cold snacks such as salads.
Did you know, it is suggested that eating a curry or anything spicy will actually cool you down? This is because it makes you sweat, which is the body’s way of lowering your temperature.
The bigger picture…
If you get to choose whereabouts you will be working in the building, try to work on lower floors, as hot air rises.
And finally, research shows that your mind is a very powerful tool and can override what your body thinks so sit back and dream of snow.
Let us know which one of these tips works best for you, or if we missed any that you’d highly recommend. If you’d like to speak to us about the various styles of mesh office seating then call us today on 01386 442244 or send a message.